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The mutual enjoyment of the house by it's Members is paramount to the Club’s existence.

Within The Oak all Members are equal.




Membership in the Oak is by invitation. If you're interested in becoming a member please review our membership page. Once submitted, the application will be reviewed and upon acceptance your membership will be invoiced according to the level applied for. Once payment is received a membership number will be assigned and ID will be issued. By submitting the online application, the prospect acknowledges and agrees to the following.


  • Each Member warrants the accuracy of the information provided.

  • Membership fee shall be payable to the Oak at the time of acceptance, or soon after.

  • The duration of all memberships is for 12 consecutive months, renewing annually.

  • Each Member and guest of The Oak shall be at least Twenty-One (21) years of age.

  • Unless cancelled with 30 days written notice, membership will be renewed within 15 days of it's expiration, usually on the annual renewal date or agreed prorated date. A valid form of payment must remain on file and any renewals that aren't paid within the allowed 15 day grace period will be terminated. Renewals may be subject to a rate increase, capped at 10% per 12-month period. Any increase to existing members will be conveyed 60 days prior to renewal.

  • Upon request members must present their membership to a club representative.

  • Membership is not transferable. If you misuse your membership, your membership may be revoked. If you lose your physical ID, please request a replacement with a club representative.

  • Members shall abide by the Rules and Regulations set out and stated by the Management of the Club. Any member failing to adhere to the Club rules shall have their membership reviewed by management and may have their membership terminated without delay. All decisions are final.

  • Each Member shall advise the Club and its management of any change of address or relevant information.

  • Members and guests have the option of cash, or credit paid at end of visit. Guests may run tabs on the bar; however, guest bills must be settled prior to departure, or assigned to the member. In certain situations members can hold a house account paid at the end of each month.

  • If a bill if it is not settled/signed on the day of at the end of the visit, it will be added to the member card on file with a gratuity of 20%.


The Oak is committed to ensure the privacy and security of all member information. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure all the information we collect. We also request that that you keep house conversations to the confines of the club.




  • Up to 5 guests per member is allowed, additional guests require advance notice. This number may change based on capacity, members will take priority over guests.

  • Guests shall be admitted at the discretion of the Club and must be accompanied by a member at all times.

  • A guest who frequents the Club more than three times per quarter will be encouraged to apply for membership and future access may be limited. 

  • Members shall be responsible for their guests at all times.

  • Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests are aware of all Club rules and codes of conduct during their time in the Club and upon leaving the Premises.

  • Members must not leave before any of their guests without prior authorization.

  • If your guests are likely to arrive before you, please notify the club in advance.




We encourage all members and guests to be present and engaged. It is recommended that all customer devices be on silent. If this isn’t possible please be self-aware of inbound alerts and to use areas of the club that are best suited to conduct calls. Speakerphones are discouraged and should only be used in an emergency. We ask you to remove earbuds when not in use. Reasonable device use is acceptable. Excessive device use will be frowned upon.


  • Each Member and their guest shall observe the rules and codes of conduct set out by the Club.

  • The Club’s Dress Code does not wish to be binding or overly prescriptive, however we do politely ask our Members and their guests to dress for the occasion and be respectful in their choice of attire, for men a shirt with a collar is preferred and flip-flop sandals are frowned upon and mens bare feet may be subject to ridicule.

  • No solicitation of business. Natural business conversations may arise from time to time but please take into consideration understanding the difference.

  • Members and their guest shall take responsibility for the security and safety of their belongings and property. Each Member and their guest agree that the club will not be liable for any belongings or property or be liable for any claim or expense resulting to loss or damage to member’s or guest’s property.

  • Any items found in the Club will be held in our designated lost property center.

  • Members will be issued with a membership ID. This membership ID must be shown upon request by club staff and is used in conjunction with any other identification procedures deemed necessary by the Club. You may be asked to present your membership ID to make a purchase or open a tab.

  • The Management reserves the right to refuse admission and eject members or their guests as it should think fit. Members shall observe such rules and obligations concerning bookings for facilities or services as the Management may from time to time stipulate.

  • No Member shall remove, damage or destroy any artwork, item of furniture or any other articles belonging to the Club. If a member or their guest causes the loss, damage or destruction of any such property as described, the member shall bear full responsibility and will be charged the applicable cost.

  • Members are advised that CCTV cameras are used in various parts of the Club Premises.

  • For the privacy of our guests, photography or video inside the club of its members and guests for use in social media for self promotion is not allowed without consent of all parties in advance. This is a private club and should be treated as such. 

  • Violence toward members or guests will not be tolerated.

  • Treat the Club’s staff with respect and respect other members.

  • Every member is responsible for their actions and behavior of their guests.




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